miscellaneous and trivial

The dark era is gone.

Woke up in the morning,
snoozy eyes flickered,
the world was cleansed.
discovered that I am in Winterland.

Hi Hongkongers, how is our winter?
Sweet morning scene...

typed on 21.11.2010 

Snow did arrive at Helsinki earlier, but it did not last for long during October...
(Yes sorry I should update more and be more efficient...)


sleepless starless night, 
toss and turn   ,
moon in the height,
forlorn and yearn   
for serenity   ,

cough cough cough

weariness and boredom I bear
fiddle-de-dee here to snare

Okay. In Hong Kong, when I am mo-liu (a state of being bored and dull, got nothing to do),
I am sure that I won't do the same things listed below as in Finland...

1) Draw doodles on snow-coved cars

2) Slide on the snow as if I am skating... (well this is similar in Hong Kong when I find some smooth surface)

3) Hit the tree branches so snow will scatter on someone's head (given someone is acquaintance)

4) Constantly imagining potential 'slope' for the 'Jackie-Chan-on-snowboard'/'Spiderman' movements. For example, there is a giant mountain of snow on the ground, so the distance between  the roof and the 'ground' is shorter...so maybe I can slide/jump down???

5) Counting the number of patches of yellowed snow along a path ( Hey Hongkonger do you know what this means?)

6) (If there is a squirrel) Play the 'who-can-stay-still-for-the-longest' game with it

Hm...time to sleep...

What kinds of mo-liu things do you do?

