


PS 誰跟我去姆明世界﹖﹖﹖

Gee, another year is bygone and I am twenty two.

The Finnish and Hong Kong values are quite different. People here do not celebrate or roister their birthdays that much. If you would like to have fun and party, you have to organize it yourself. In other words, you are the host/ hostress, who invite guests to join you. The advantage is that you can have everything in your own way but then, there will not be any surprises for you. As a Hongkonger, I still prefer our way. Once your dearest friends have organized "the event", you just need to show up and enjoy it. I am not explicitly commanding that surprise is a must. I simply appreciate the effort made.

As all of you know, I am a lazy bug. Ask me to organize myself, fat chance. Originally I planned to go to the Moomin World on my birthday, which was subject to change, and indeed changed - cancelled. Buuuut, the presents I have received this years are awesome, surprise! Yea! I just want to say thank you to all of you, to the ones in Hong Kong, abroad doing something or working, of course in Finland as well. I am indeed a spoiled lucky girl.

