再見芬蘭犬/ Goodbye Pipsa



她叫PIPSA, 是一隻芬蘭犬。當我們第一次見面時,她也踏入中年。過大的期望可變成失望,我以為狗會很主動,很黏人……有可能流著芬蘭血,她跟我想像的不同(當然現在明白狗性格是跟家教有關)﹗最後她願意跟我到森林散步,心中的喜悅難以形。而每一次出門她都會興奮得蹦蹦跳跳,傻傻的,我看到也會笑。



我的 PIPSA 過身了。

Some says there are two types of people. The first type likes dogs and the other likes cats.  When I was still young and small, I was definitely a dog person (Now I have become greedy, I like both). I always longed for a dog, but this never came true, because unfortunately in Hong Kong, there is a common rule that no dogs are allowed in many residential buildings and my mom did not approve as I lacked in responsibility (she referred to the messiness in my room). So, this wish remained as a wish.

After ten or more years, I decided to go to Finland for high school exchange and my anticipation for new things sprouted everyday. The dog in the photo above was one of the anticipated.

She is Pipsa, a Finnish Spitz. When we first met, she had already stepped into her middle age. The Finnish blood of her probably made her distinct and differed from my imagination of dogs (Of course this is related to the training at the very beginning). I thought dogs would be a bit clingy, outgoing...etc In the end, she was willing to roam the forest with me and my exhilaration simply soared. Every time before our walk, she would become excited and leap and hop and bark, such a silly dog. I could not help smiling.

Never underestimate the memory of a dog. We were two years apart and she remembered me instantly when I was back. I live in the capital of Finland currently, while my host family lives in the Eastern part of Finland, the ride can take more than five hours and this explains why I cannot always visit them. Sadly, every time I was there, I noticed that she was aging gradually and her strength fade. Our walk became simple and brief, yet, she enjoyed my company.

She was such a cutie.

My Pipsa is gone.

