This is Antwerpen - 圖書館 / Library

每逢出外遊玩,我都特意到本地的圖書館一逛。這座從舊車房改裝過來的新穎圖書館Permeke,座落於Antwerp的De Coninckplein,是一個好好的舊區重建例子。跟其他西方國家一樣,即管是中心位置,昔日的興旺不再,漸漸被荒廢。此社區現住了不同種族,鄰近有China Town、摩洛哥麵包店和土耳其kebab等等;人口比其他社區高於四陪,但區內的康樂設施卻不足。


Visiting local library is my habit when I travel. Permeke, a library which was originally a garage, is located at the De Coninckplein in Antwerp. It is a good case study of urban renewal.  Similar to other Western countries,  the buildings in the centre get dilapidated gradually when the bustle vanishes. This is a multi-ethnic district, you can easily find China Town, Moroccan bakery and Turkish kebab nearby. However, having a population four times more than other districts, this district does not have not enough facilities for the residents at all.

It is a brave and idealistic move to establish a library here. In order to avoid contacts with immigrants, locals move farther away when more and more newcomers move in. Willingly or not, they are somehow (being) mixed due to the location of the library.

Belgium is famous for her comics, seeking comics is like seeking albums
The active children have their own space to play


This library is indeed set up for the people. It is not only open to people with different ethnic backgrounds, it is also a children playground, a treasure island for comics lovers. Moreover, the graphic instructions,which are easy to comprehend, show that library is not only for educated. 

Sorry for the poor quality of photos. I did not know whether it is allowed to take photos so I sneaked around, while there were lots of librarians and visitors ( The population is much bigger in Belgium than in Finland!)

