剩餘的微溫/ The Remaining Warmth

RIding bike is the best, took this while pedalling. It was too bright that I could not see,  but never mind.


上課時學到美國著名社會學家LOUIS WIRTH所提出的城市論。城市的大小、密度和多元代形成了城市獨有的生活模式,人與人之間的關係則變得間接和疏落。我相信比一百或二百年前,我們跟其他人的接觸絕對變得膚淺,亦變成以利益為主(你到大家樂買午餐,跟收銀員說的不外於餐單上的名字及唔該)。有趣的是,由於城市人口密度高,我們被迫跟陌生人有親密的接觸,此舉亦變正常化,成為日常生活的一部份。在亞洲的大城市內,我們隨時可以跟陌生人擁抱。


Today exam was Urban Studies.

The bus I take to city center is sometimes full, sometimes empty. I was lucky enough today to grab a window seat, where I could enjoy the passing view solely. After the long bitter winter, spring had sprung up out of the blue and the sun hung high up in the sky, shining. Embraced by gentle sunbeam, I was imbued with bliss. But, I felt some extra warmth. Warmth from the previous passenger who had sat on the same seat...

American famous sociologist Louis Wirth's urbanism was one of our set texts during the course. Based on his theory, the size, density and the heterogeneity of the city have formed urbanism as a way of living, consequently leading to more indirect and loose human relations. I do believe that our contacts with others are more superficial and self-interest-oriented than centuries ago. (You go to McDonald's for lunch, what you say to the staff is merely the meal you want and thank you) The interesting point is, due to the high population density, we are somehow forced to have intimate contacts with strangers, which is normalized and treated as a trivial of daily life. We can simply hug a stranger in Asian major cities at any moment.

This is quite a weird thought. Why I spend more time with unknown strangers than my closest ones, why we have so much so-called intimate contacts...Physical closeness is still acceptable, however I detest the leftover warmth, a lot. It is that disgusting that I would rather stand the whole trip...

